Facilities Maintenance and Operation
The BSI Team is a trusted partner to government and private sector customers, providing them with a full range of innovative cyber security solutions to protect IT infrastructures and keep them ahead of the curve
BSI provides expertise in design, analysis, development, execution and monitoring of strategic facilities planning for access control in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) areas. SCIF is a secure room or data center that protects against electronic surveillance and suppresses data leakage of sensitive security and military information. SCIFs are used to deny unauthorized personnel, such as foreign intelligence services or corporate spies, the opportunity for undetected entry into facilities for the exploitation of sensitive activities. BSI provides support, quality assurance and testing, system deployment, data integrity support, and system administration to build and implement processes and procedures for integrated project requirements development and project delivery process improvement. BSI staff is also skilled in space development and allocation while considering and coordinating access, information technology and telephone support requirements.
BSI also possesses expertise in the areas of developing and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as well as Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) areas.
BSI provides systems analysis and design services such as developing and documenting existing systems processes and functionality; developing inventory system requirements; developing and maintaining system design specifications; developing, integrating, and maintaining project schedules for design activities, verifying that the system complies with requirements, and facilitating and integrating all design activities.
BSI develops test plans, strategies, and repeatable test scripts and processes using automated or manual tools; develops, integrates, and maintains project schedules for test activities; facilitates and integrates all test activities; facilitates communications among all project personnel and contractors involved in testing; prepares test reports, briefings, and summary documents; and creates and maintains a database of test results.
SCIF Construction Planning
Facilities Operation Support
Facilities Testing and Accreditation
Facilities Documentation under Special Access Program
Equipment Inventory and Refresh Management